Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Updated project description
Think Again asks such questions as:
- What is the relationship between repetition and creation?
- Does the new and unknown always appear to be absurd and or threatening?
- Have today’s norms once posed threats older norms?
The platform is set up to reflect on how the relationship between the individual and larger groups (from peer groups to entire countries or cultures) is negotiated and renegotiated and how that informs change. The goal of the project is to find how a group dynamic can support creativity, progress and new forms of thinking. Think Again aims to start dialogues so that each participant and the audience will return to their respective practice with a changed outlook on their work.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tkk website
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Outline for chair competition in Xiamen
A group of artists, scientists and theatre practitioners will meet in Xiamen in spring/summer 2012, to reflect upon how new thinking takes shape and how we together can develop a more visionary ways to relate to reality. The project is entitled ‘Think Again’ and the organisers invite You to come up with a design for a chair that inspires new thinking. The winner will have his/her chair produced in 60 copies at the expense of the organisers. These will be used during the seminar, but will be at your disposal at the end of the exhibition.
‘Think Again’ aims to inspire new ways of thinking by dialoguing across cultures, disciplines and genres through the realization of an exhibition and a weeklong workshop in Xiamen China. The project brings together European and Chinese creators and scientists from a wide array of fields to reflect on how creating can ensure a richer and more rewarding future for humankind.
Gaia Power Plant images
Gaia Power Plants: Olafur Jonsson has developed a technology that promises to alleviate the shortage of fresh water and electric energy on the planet in one go. When this invention will be commercially usable, the map of our shrinking globe will be redrawn and the deserts can bloom again. But in order for this to happen, many technical problems need to be solved and the project taps into the knowledge at the universities in Xiamen, Linköping, Karolinska Institutet and Visualiseringscenter C to resolve them and to promote the project.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Anders P on Neither You Nor Me

Neither You Nor Me is a cross-over platform, using the theatre practice as venue for meetings between artists from different fields, where everyone participates with their specific knowledge and expertise in a journey through the narratives Antigone and Parzival. The first story presents a number of dialectic positions – man/woman, king/citizen, law/religion – whereas the second is an invitation to follow a movement from singularity to subjectivity. The project is a co-operation between renowned director Anders Paulin, actor Anders Mossling and internationally acclaimed artists Per Huttner and Joachim Hamou.
The project starts as a tour through several venues in Stockholm and then proceeds at the international multi-disciplinary event Think Again in Xiamen, China. After processing these experiences the project will be presented in Copenhagen, Oslo and again in Stockholm, bringing back new knowledge and perspectives to a Nordic context.
The theatre, with its performative practice and social context, is becoming increasingly attractive to artists from other fields. When we tell a story a collective context is created. The potential of this space, where a multitude of subjects share the same focus, but produce difference by continuous addition of perspectives and interpretations, is a quality we ́d like to examine. A parallel aim is to create alternatives to the traditional theatre toolbox of expression, understanding and identification. We think of the story as an interface, the membrane that both separates and connects the individuals reading/interpretating it. Storytelling as a collective act of translation, where the stage functions as medium for a third, translational language to appear.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Think Again – Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing May 21-31, 2012.
Think Again is a transdisciplinary research project that brings together artists, curators, academics and inventors from Europe and China to reflect on the nature of creativity and how it can be encouraged. The project is a collaboration between Linköpings Universitet and various universities in and around Shanghai. It will be show publicly at The Mingshen Museum and Rockbund Museum, FCAC and other venues in May 2012. At this point, a series of private sessions will also take place.
Field of Research
The philosopher looks where to begin in philosophy by asking what being is, what thinking is, what knowledge is. In other words, he starts his work by eliminating all presuppositions. The artist looks all the presuppositions and looks for new ways of experiencing the world that surrounds us, while the scientists tries to measure the world by doing away with subjectivity and shortcomings of human perception.
What unites the philosopher, the artist and the scientist, is thought. Thinking is the foundation of all creativity – how can we develop existing ways of thinking and foster new patterns of thought? How can education, research and art be part of this process? Is true creativity in its nature conflictual and does it have to oppose to social convention?
During 10 days in May 2012 a group of European and Chinese creators will meet for individual and shared research to investigate how thinking, knowledge and creativity is perceived and defined in different genres and different cultures. Some of the sessions will be held privately and others will be held publicly.
Specially conceived artwork will be shown at Mingshen Museum and FCAC. More performative presentations will tale place at Rockbund Museum and talks and discussions will take place at other venues: The Art Academy in Hangzhou, Shanghai Univeristy, Nanjing University, FCAC and 2666 Library.
All sessions will start with a screening of a video by Li Xiaofei shot in different factories in China and Sweden.
21 May – Arrival, press conference and official opening of Think Again in Shanghai in collaboration with the Swedish Consulate in Shanghai.
22 May – Olav Westphalen starts his performance/production at Mingshen Museum. Private sessions at Fei Art Center.
23 May – Private view and opening of Natasha Rosling’s exhibition at Fei Art Center. Private sessions at Fei Art Center.
24 May – Trip to Nanjing and public discussion at the Nordic culture centre at the Nanjing University.
25 May – Trip to Hangzhou and public discussion at the art academy of Hangzhou.
26 May - Per Hüttner works with architectural students at Rockbund Art Museum. Per Hüttner hosts public talk/performance at Rockbund Museum.
27 May – Opening/finissage of Olav Westphalen’s exhibition at Mingshen Museum and public talk/discussion. Wooloo hosts public talk/performance at Rockbund Museum.
28 May - Olafur Jonsson talks about Gaia Power plants at the 2666 Library in Shanghai. Private sessions at Fei Art Center.
29 May – Vincent Honoré, Qu Tan and Per Hüttner talk about the future of art education at the Art Academy in Shanghai.
30 May - Chen Wei tea session at 2666 Library in Shanghai. Private sessions at Fei Art Center.
31 May – Yang ZhiFei talks about her work. Private sessions at Fei Art Center. Closing ceremony.