Vision Forum is working on a publication that documents the Think Again project that took place in Shanghai and Hangzhou in May 2012. The book will be designed by Li Xiaofei and published by Fei Art Center (planned release November 2012). In the meantime you will find some images from the event here.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
We are working on the Publication
Vision Forum is working on a publication that documents the Think Again project that took place in Shanghai and Hangzhou in May 2012. The book will be designed by Li Xiaofei and published by Fei Art Center (planned release November 2012). In the meantime you will find some images from the event here.
Monday, July 30, 2012
On production and re-production

Our wonderful friend and long term Vision Forum member Pauline Curnier Jardin told this wonderful story that is totally relevant for this project:
"Do you know that I have seen, in the Marseille flea market, the most crazy object ever; a Koran-box with the holy book and a magic pen that can translate the Islamic verses in more than 15 languages. The man selling it is a charming bearded one, super-smiling and laughing always saying this sentence at the end of his demo: 'ah, and I must tell you, this object is made by the Chineese of course! They will have us all!'!!!!"
Monday, May 14, 2012
Vision Forum organizes "Think Again" in Shanghai
Think Again – Shanghai and Hangzhou 21-28 May, 2012.
Vision Forum is proud to present a seven-day event in Shanghai and Hangzhou. Think Again is an interdisciplinary research project and brings together artists, curators, academics and inventors from Europe and China to reflect on the nature of creativity and how it can be encouraged and developed through international partnership.
Think Again takes many different forms:
- Specially conceived artwork by Olav Westphalen will be shown at Mingshen Museum; by Chen Wei and Natasha Rosling at Fei Art Center.
- Performances and presentations will take place at Rockbund Museum in collaboration with Shanghai University.
- Talks and discussions will take place at other venues including The Art Academy in Hangzhou, Fei Art Center and 2666 Library.
- The group will also carry out communal research in Shanghai Hangzhou and at Fei Art Center.
The sessions will touch on such diverse issues as new environmental technology, humour, new forms for meeting and living together, utopian architecture and finding new forms for art education and artistic research. But they are held together by a true ambition to understand and foster creation and also create platforms for better understanding between east and west.
The project is a collaboration between Linköpings Universitet and universities in Shanghai and Hangzhou. Participants include, Olafur Jonsson, Melanie Gilligan, Vincent Honoré, Per Hüttner, Wooloo (Anders Lichinger, Sixten Kai Nielsen, Martin Rosgaard,) William Rawlings, Natasha Rosling, Chen Wei, Olav Westphalen, Li Xiaofei , Yang Zhifei, Doris Duanmu, Wang Dan, Gong Lilas and Science Fiction.
Vision Forum is proud to present a seven-day event in Shanghai and Hangzhou. Think Again is an interdisciplinary research project and brings together artists, curators, academics and inventors from Europe and China to reflect on the nature of creativity and how it can be encouraged and developed through international partnership.
Think Again takes many different forms:
- Specially conceived artwork by Olav Westphalen will be shown at Mingshen Museum; by Chen Wei and Natasha Rosling at Fei Art Center.
- Performances and presentations will take place at Rockbund Museum in collaboration with Shanghai University.
- Talks and discussions will take place at other venues including The Art Academy in Hangzhou, Fei Art Center and 2666 Library.
- The group will also carry out communal research in Shanghai Hangzhou and at Fei Art Center.
The sessions will touch on such diverse issues as new environmental technology, humour, new forms for meeting and living together, utopian architecture and finding new forms for art education and artistic research. But they are held together by a true ambition to understand and foster creation and also create platforms for better understanding between east and west.
The project is a collaboration between Linköpings Universitet and universities in Shanghai and Hangzhou. Participants include, Olafur Jonsson, Melanie Gilligan, Vincent Honoré, Per Hüttner, Wooloo (Anders Lichinger, Sixten Kai Nielsen, Martin Rosgaard,) William Rawlings, Natasha Rosling, Chen Wei, Olav Westphalen, Li Xiaofei , Yang Zhifei, Doris Duanmu, Wang Dan, Gong Lilas and Science Fiction.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
再生·思索−上海,杭州 (2012年5月21日−5月28日)
−上海非当代艺术中心将展出“私人视角”以及Natasha Rosling和陈伟艺术作品;
Melanie Gilligan, Vincent Honoré, Per Hüttner, Wooloo (Anders Lichinger, Sixten
Kai Nielsen, Martin Rosgaard,) William Rawlings, Natasha Rosling, Olav
Westphalen, 陈伟, 李消非, 杨志飞, 端木霞子, 王单, 宫林林及科幻小组。
−上海民生现代美术馆,Olav Westphalen现场表演及创作。
−上海非当代艺术中心,Per Hüttner组织非公开研讨会。
−上海民生现代美术馆,Olav Westphalen个展开幕式。
−上海2666图书馆,由伦敦David Roberts基金支持的导演Vincent
Honoré与艺术家Per Hüttner针对未来艺术教育的演讲。
20 Huqiu Road,Huang Pu District, Shanghai
T 86 21 3310 9985
F 86 21 6321 3352
Art Museum
No.570 Huaihai(w)Rd 200052 Shanghai
T +86 21-62828729
F +86 21-62829129
Fei Contemporary Art Center (FCAC)
上海市闸北区 灵石路709号40栋2楼
No. 40-2F
709 Lingshi Rd
Shanghai 200072
China. 200072
T +86 21 6630 7268
F +86 21 6630 7268
136, Jing'an Villa,
Nanjing Road W.
T +86 21 62103526
Academy Of Art, Hangzhou
Building no. 4 (SIMA),
Nanshan Road
电话: +86-571-87164711, 87164712
传真: +86-571-87164711
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Natasha's set up for Fei Art Center

How are fantasies produced and (in)directly enacted as part of every day life? How do contradictions within one mind become part of a reality and contribute to cultural obsessions? Where is the boundary between private and public communication?
A series of stands will be constructed within the gallery as mobile supports for artefacts produced across the duration of 'Think Again'. These will be a range of costumes, objects, textured screens and projections created in response to a series of short texts and interviews from a range of subjects outside and within the locale of the art centre. These pieces will be replicated and re translated by local crafts people and volunteers, and will continue to be incorporated back into the set-up accumulating as a whole into a peculiar interior architecture.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Olav's Flip Flop Factory for Minsheng Museum

For the project Flip Flop Factory, I will produce a pair of flip flop sandals by hand in modeling clay. I will then make a series of molds from these objects. The molds will be used to cast as many flip flops as possible in brightly colored silicone rubber.
Flip Flop Factory has a range of possible manifestations. As a sculpture in a conventional exhibition context, it takes the form of a sizeable pile of colorful beach sandals on the floor.
In another setting, the fabrication itself could be made visible and Flip Flop Factory could become a primitive production line or sculpture studio where a group of fabricators are continuously casting more sandals, adding to the pile.
If the supply of flip flops is sufficient, viewers can be encouraged to pick a pair and take it home. There will, however, always be a starkly uneven number of left and right sandals, making it nearly impossible to find a complete pair in the same color.
The flip flops will look as much as “real” flip flops as my, somewhat limited, sculptural abilities permit. But as they are made from sculpture materials, they will be quite impractical to wear.
Flip Flop Factory employs the technology of fine arts fabrication -- from the hand-made original and the artisanal process of limited technical reproduction to the a final product in a fine arts material -- in order to attempt to mass-produce one of the most ubiquitous, cheaply produced objects in the world.
-Olav Westphalen
Flip Flop Factory,
Mingshen Museum,
Olav Westphalen
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Schedule for Think Again – Shanghai and Hangzhou May 21-29, 2012.
All sessions will start with a screening of a video by Li Xiaofei shot in different factories in China and Sweden.
21 May
– 6 pm Press conference and official opening of Think Again in Shanghai in collaboration with the Swedish Consulate in Shanghai.
22 May
– Olav Westphalen starts his performance/production at Mingshen Museum.
- Olafur Jonsson hosts private sessions at Fei Art Center.
23 May
– Wooloo arrange private session at Fei Art Center.
– 6 pm Private view and opening of Natasha Rosling and Chen Wei’s exhibition at Fei Art Center.
24 May
– Trip to Hangzhou and public discussion and workshop with Olav Westphalen and the Science Fiction Group at the Art Academy of Hangzhou.
25 May
– Wooloo organises private session in Shanghai.
26 May
- Per Hüttner private session with architectural students at Rockbund Art Museum.
- 7pm Per Hüttner hosts public talk/performance at Rockbund Museum.
27 May
– 2pm Opening/finissage of Olav Westphalen’s Flip-Flop Factory at Mingshen Museum
- 7pm Wooloo hosts public talk/performance at Rockbund Museum.
28 May
- 7pm -Vincent Honoré director at David Roberts Foundation in London and Per Hüttner talk about the future of art education at the 2666 library in Shanghai.
29 May
- 7pm -Olafur Jonsson presents Gaia Power plants and the future of electrical supply and fresh water supply at the 2666 library in Shanghai.
All sessions will start with a screening of a video by Li Xiaofei shot in different factories in China and Europe.
More info on:
The project is supported by Linköpings universitet, Kulturrådet and SIDA in Sweden and the Consulate of Sweden in Shanghai.
No. 20 Huqiu Road,Huang Pu District, Shanghai
电话 T 86 21 3310 9985
传真 F 86 21 6321 3352
Minsheng Art Museum
Bldg.F No.570 Huaihai(w)Rd 200052 Shanghai
电话 T +86 21-62828729
传真 F +86 21-62829129
Fei Contemporary Art Center (FCAC)
上海市闸北区 灵石路709号40栋2楼
邮编: 200072
Building No. 40-2F
709 Lingshi Rd
Shanghai 200072
Shanghai. China. 200072
电话 T +86 21 6630 7268
传真 F +86 21 6630 7268
2666 Library
No. 136, Jing'an Villa,
1025 Nanjing Road W.
电话 T +86 21 62103526
China Academy Of Art, Hangzhou
Building no. 4 (SIMA),
218 Nanshan Road
电话: +86-571-87164711, 87164712
传真: +86-571-87164711
Provionary Schedule,
Think Again,
Vision Forum
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